Swanky Paint Alpha+7 (Part 2 of 2)
2014-10-11 13:42:15 by shi
Part 2 of the two-part video for the new release Alpha+7

Apologies for the crappy mic! We're slowly learning to create proper videos but the laptop has its limitations so we're going one step at a time. If you've noticed, there should be a *large* improvement in the viewing side of things (you can now actually see Swanky Paint in action instead of this blurry blob in the background) but it's probably time to get a proper mic to replace the default laptop one.

New release (Alpha+7) includes:
- Allow multiple images to be opened at the same time
- Switch between images using 5 & 6 (num) keys or menu
- Added "thumb" menu for faster android use
- Added layers, use keys 3 & 4 to switch and key e to toggle between show all / one
- Added layer / frame control and info topbar
- Added zoom scrollbar to topbar
- Smarter scrollmode
- Spacebar or middlemouse for quick scrollmode

Swanky Paint is on Greenlight! Do vote if you like what we're doing :}

If you've managed a copy to play with and found any bugs, send us your reports. We appreciate it!

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SWANKYART is a new kind of pixel art community based on daily challenges of restricted palettes & effects using the online version of the pixel paint package, Swanky Paint.
Swanky Art is optimised for browsers that support Native Client but should run fine on any browser with WebGL support.
Found a bug? Post them and feature requests on the forum.
Artwork created for Swanky Art released under the Creative Commons License license. Made by W E T G E N E S 2016