Swanky Paint Alpha+7 (Part 1 of 2)
2014-10-11 13:24:02 by shi
We've got a new release!

There's been a flurry of furious updates at headquarters (the table in the kitchen) so there's two parts to this video. Watch part one above for more details and technical difficulties.

New release (Alpha+7) includes:
- New swanky palettes, mostly just rearranged.
- Outline/inline now works as expected.
- Simple remap menu actions
- Snap gui (previously it was stuck on 8x8)
- Zoom window size and edge snap config
- Display less empty color buttons on main tools
- Press f for fill mode
- Added history to file panel for fast directory changes

If you've managed a copy to play with and found any bugs, send us your reports. We appreciate it!

Swanky Paint is on Greenlight! Do vote if you like what we're doing :}

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SWANKYART is a new kind of pixel art community based on daily challenges of restricted palettes & effects using the online version of the pixel paint package, Swanky Paint.
Swanky Art is optimised for browsers that support Native Client but should run fine on any browser with WebGL support.
Found a bug? Post them and feature requests on the forum.
Artwork created for Swanky Art released under the Creative Commons License license. Made by W E T G E N E S 2016