Swanky new menus
2014-06-28 01:23:55 by shi

Swanky paint is built using a custom widget system, so things such as file requesters are required to be built within this system. This is good for providing the same interface across multiple platforms (we can run from the console on a raspberry PI without needing X windows) but bad from the point of view of having to reimplement every damn GUI element :)

Recently I added some basic menu support and this code is now live within Swanky Paint. You can find the menus hidden under the infobar at the top of the screen that is revealed when you mouse over. I've also bumped the number of simple brush manipulation commands up a notch (BLAM!) so we are missing less of the basic Dpaint functionality.

Under the brush menu you will find the following shortcuts. One of the main reasons I want menus is to make shortcut keys easily discoverable.

o : Outline brush.
This replaces the transparent edge pixels with the currently selected foreground colour. Very useful for adding a simple black outline to a sprite.

O : Inline brush.
This does the opposite of outline, chipping away edge pixels by making them transparent. Outline is not a 100% reversible activity in all cases but this does the best it can and is sometimes useful.

x : Flip X
y : Flip Y
z : Rotate 90
The above all perform simple mirroring and rotation of the current brush.

h : half size
H : double size
X : double width
Y : double height
These allow basic 2x scaling up and down of the pixels in the brush. Top tip to half the width or height only, first double the other length and then half both. So the opposite of X (double width) becomes two key presses Y+h. So double height + half width and height = half width.

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SWANKYART is a new kind of pixel art community based on daily challenges of restricted palettes & effects using the online version of the pixel paint package, Swanky Paint.
Swanky Art is optimised for browsers that support Native Client but should run fine on any browser with WebGL support.
Found a bug? Post them and feature requests on the forum.
Artwork created for Swanky Art released under the Creative Commons License license. Made by W E T G E N E S 2016