posted by Crustolio on 2014-07-14 04:29:41 (10 years ago)
yonderboy: "You go west. It opens to a large clearing. In the middle of the clearing is a odd stone. You see a glint from atop the stone. The trees are cropped in a perfect circle. The wind stirs. You approach the stone. From the west, the carvings weren't apparent. The east face is carved as a type of altar. Atop the stone is a silver wand, about forearms length. It is forged of a dark metal with a thin strand of red fibre down the middle. On one end it is ornamented with a black jewel, crudely cut into a donut."
SWANKYART is a new kind of pixel art community based on daily challenges of restricted palettes & effects using the online version of the pixel paint package, Swanky Paint.
Swanky Art is optimised for browsers that support Native Client but should run fine on any browser with WebGL support.